Thursday, January 12, 2012

Eight of Spades

So it's taken a bit longer than I had anticipated, but I've found the motivation to work the scanner and bring another narcissistic doodle for what I hope will evoke entertainment. Doing the spades as self portraits has been a sort of test run for the deck; I'm comfortable drawing myself and tend to spend a great deal more time and anxiety over getting an accurate study of others.
A lot of the spades are far less cognitive than what I hope the portraits of others will be. For these cards, I've preferred to dick around and see what sort of portrait comes of it. This way I attempt to evade the intentional sculpting of my own public persona or an intentional trait I would like to have (but definitely don't).
The "pill grills" are something I've been meaning to try. A lot of my work has a good amount of pharmaceutical references, which has always been an autobiographical and therapeutic account of my ongoing struggle with the ever-charming mental doctors I've encountered.

More to come. Don't know how it relates to my life at all, but I'm starting up the sketches for a nice little nun suit. Prepare to be psychosexually startled! Sincere thanks to anyone who has taken the time out of their day to check this out. Things should start to get more interesting when I get the balls to begin the clubs.

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